Saturday, April 4, 2015

Agenda-21- what are its implications

While it's being debated whether UN’s agenda-21 is real or not, there are shoe-box size apartments being offered to the population at large in the United States, New York and Boston are already trying out the new homes while San Francisco’s board of supervisors is considering a revision of the city’s building code to allow for the cramped new living spaces. 
If approval comes the new minimum housing requirements will drop to a mere 220 sqft from 290sq ft. For perspective’s sake, we can take a school bus to have an area of 250 sq ft. A person’s entire micro apartment would fit in the school bus, taking into account the bathroom, kitchen, and closet included. This vision of a secluded austere life is hardly capable of accommodating one person let alone a spouse, children or pets. 
The idea behind this kind of housing is to dissuade people from owning cars and rather opt for bicycles and use mass public transport. However, opponents of agenda-21 have said that the above move could spike the population density, cramp up community spaces and strain the public transport system. 
The question remains whether anyone would live in such cramped spaces if it was for the benefit of earth. The very idea of Agenda-21 is to free up resources and space for nature to replenish but the ones who see the conspiracy in it say that concentrating growth and density in urban areas is one the main tenets of agenda-21. Many have reiterated that initial developments of agenda-21 are not alarming especially for people in cities like New York and San Francisco where people already put in pretty cramped spaces on an average. However there is the fact that building jail-size accommodation was never intended to be limited to big cities- this is only the beginning.  
This may affect the real estate companies and builders and developers in Mangalore at a major level.